A beautiful body will never go out of fashion!
This is only our own choice: to be or not to be beautiful. It is true that some have problems with the metabolism, for most of us it is purely a question of willpower, healthy eating and physical exercise.
Therefore, whatever happens, it is always possible to return to form. Always! It can be difficult, of course, but on the other hand, it is pleasant to notice the weight loss and how the body returns to its best form. Let us once more repeat: It is possible!
Wise men from ancient China believed that water contains the essence of feminine Yin and that it is very important for a woman to baths – it fills her with vital energy!
Water is the source of life and good health. No life on earth can not exist without it. It nourishes the organism, replenishes the moisture of the body, improves health and helps to avoid numerous illnesses. That is why procedures of healing that include water are so popular now.
Aquafit is a miraculous and effective way to get yourself into shape and stay there. Training in water strengthens muscles and sculpts the body in a shorter time than any other sports.
What are the benefits of Aquafit?
- First of all: Aquafit is approximately twice as effective than other forms of physical activities During intensive Aquafit classes , we spend 700 calories per hour. Compare that to these other alternatives:
- Session in the gym: 350 calories/hour.
- Running: 450 calories/hour.
- Lesson with fitball: 300 calories/hour.
- Pilates: 200 - 380 calories/hour.
- Step aerobics: 250-400 calories/hour
- Secondly:The resistance of water is fifty times that of the air. Movement is much more difficult and we get extra load due to the water resistance. Energy consumption increases, and the hated fat reserves are burned as a consequence. Energy consumption is also increased due to the increased heat transfer to the water.
- Move intensively! You should never be cold in the water during Aquafit classes. If you are cold, it means that you are not moving enough.
- Thirdly: The water improves blood circulation in the body. It helps the outflow of venous blood which in turn is important for preventing varicose veins. The hydrostatic pressure of the water increases blood circulation and the amount of blood flowing into the internal organs. This helps the internal organs and increases the metabolism in, among others organs, the kidneys.
- Fourth point: Water is an excellent remedy in the struggle against cellulites.
- Fifth point: Thanks to the minimal load to the spine, Aquafit is useful for people with osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, kyphosis, scoliosis and arthritis.
- Furthermore: Older people with joint issues, often have problems getting any exercise as it is too strenuous. For these people, Aquafit is perfect as it allows them to develop the mobility of their joints and limbs in a way that no other sport would allow.
- In addition: Water has a beneficial beneficial effect on our skin, leaving it supple and toned. Furthermore, the water cleans the pores of toxins and other harmful substances.
- Not only that: During Aquafit, the feeling of your own weight is reduced, something that is very important for people with excess weight. Heavy people are often too embarrassed by their appearance to go to the gym, but in Aquafit the water is your irreplaceable friend. You walk into the water and above the surface is only your smiling face: o)
- Finally:The water helps to relax and relieve muscle tension while also strengthening the nervous system. You will notice that after Aquafit your mood will improve and negative thoughts disappear.
However, while Aquafit is very good for the vast majority of people, people with certain conditions (listed below) should not take part in Aquafit classes. If you are worried that Aquafit might be bad for your health, please, consult with your doctor. Some of the mentioned conditions are:
- вhigh blood pressure
- heart disease: congenital heart disease, heart attacks, recent myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation
- seizures, strokes, recent myocardial
- acute infectious diseases
- serious forms of diabetes
- serious mental illness
- bronchial asthma in a serious form
- you should not go to class if you have a cold.
Some advice concerning food and drink:
Forget about eating after 6 pm. Maximum - a yogurt and tea. Drop the sugar from your coffee or tea – it is not tasty))
When you have aqua fit class in the morning or afternoon - do not eat for 1 hour after training.
Do not eat in the hour leading up to your Aquafit training.
- We need to drink least 1.5 liters of water during the day. This comes in addition to all the other liquids we consume.
- We must eat brown bread instead of white, and with meat we should only eat vegetables.
- Don’t forget about fruit!
- We eat breakfast ourselves, share lunch with friends, dinner - you can leave to the enemy))
- Of alcohol we prefer wine. Dry or semi-dry. Red wine is very useful.
A few bits of advice for your lessons:
- Try to follow all exercises until the end. Do everything 100%.
- Keep your abdominal muscles tightened (toned up) at all times. Keep your back straight and head raised.
- Pay attention to your breathing.
It does not matter how old you are. Aquafit is for children and adults, for men and women, future mothers and future grandmothers. For all of us!
Regular classes of Aquafit will strengthen your immune system and lessen the risk of disease to the cardiovascular system, varicose veins, arthritis, and many others.
Believe in yourself and do not allow yourself to be lazy!
The body is the most important business card of yours.
Smile! : o)
So, after a month of regular exercise and to the regimen of nourishment you will be:
- Slender and prettier
- You will feel less pain due to your strengthened immune system. You will have better posture and as a bonus you will also get a massage of the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles ;)
- Now men is also beginning to pay you even more attention.
- Life is returning to normal, and will only go in one direction - Forward! : o)